Daily Habits for Perfect Skin: Your 12-Step Guide

It is a well-known fact that genetics play an important role when it comes to how your skin looks and how it ages. However, a disciplined skin-care regimen can make a difference as well. Here, I have listed down some of the rules suggested by the top aestheticians to get the best skin within few days.

  • Use Vitamin C internally as well as externally

Vitamin C is a staple in every skin-care routine. It is an antioxidant that protects the skin cells from getting damaged by the free radicals through UV exposure, which results in hyperpigmentation and premature skin ageing. Just as sunblock is necessary when you go out in the sun, those with amazing skin do not skip vitamin C ever.

You can include vitamin C in your diet for healing the skin from the inside or you can use it externally. It is available in several forms like cleansers, serums, treatments, and moisturizers etc. Serums have been considered to be the most effective forms of the ingredient.

  • Thorough cleansing

Not removing the makeup on your skin or leaving the dirt and oil that builds up during the day can rob you of your healthy skin. Always remember to remove your makeup before going to bed. Use cleansing milk or an eye makeup remover depending on how heavy the makeup is.

Double cleanse to ensure your skin is well cleansed and never stripped. Double cleansing increases blood flow, loosens impurities, stimulates muscles, removes all the makeup and prevents pores from getting blocked.

Start with massaging an oil cleanser on the dry skin for 30-40 seconds, rinse thoroughly, and follow with a foam cleanser.

  •  Add skin-friendly nutrients to your diet

Once you find out how much power supplements have over the skin, you will never spend a day without them. Include more antioxidants, vitamin A and C and zinc in your daily diet and you will see the difference within a couple of months. These nutrients help reduce the effect of sun damage and prevent it, helps to purify the skin, blur imperfections and strengthen skin’s integrity.

Another option for giving your glow a boost is enzymes which are easily available at health stores. Ingesting proteolytic enzymes before going to bed can be beneficial for your skin. They work as an anti-inflammatory and affect the overall health of the body in a good way. They are particularly good for the liver, hence they help in promoting a glowing, healthy complexion.

  • Emphasize evening skin hygiene

Nighttime skincare is a must for better-looking, glowing skin. It’s benefits have been proven and experienced by many.

Our skin absorbs everything about 60 per cent more at relaxation time than at the busy working hours. It is also the most regenerating time.

It will be enough if you do it twice or thrice a week. You can use a face mask with or without the moisturizer.

  • Use Retinol

Retinol is one of the best anti-ageing agents. Use a retinol product at night or every other night for the best results if your skin can handle it. It reduces the wrinkles and fine lines, enhances collagen in the skin and makes skin look brighter, tighter, fresh and younger.

  • Always use Sunscreen/sunblock

If you spend most of the day outdoors, you need to protect your skin from the sun. It the first rule for having perfect skin. You can be doing everything in the world for your skin; eating healthful, using the best product, staying hydrated, but none of it would work unless you protect your skin from the sun.

Ultraviolet rays are the one of the major causes of skin ageing. Using sunscreen is a simple thing that we can do every day to maintain healthy, beautiful skin. With a wide range of available options, there’s no excuse to ignore this crucial step.

  • Hydrate

We lose moisture naturally while sleeping, which can result in dark circles, puffy eyes or a lacklustre complexion. It is really important to hydrate both internally and externally. You can hydrate internally by drinking water during the day and before going to bed. And, use products containing hyaluronic acid to hydrate externally. Hyaluronic acid carries a thousand times its weight in water.

  • Eat healthful diet

Whatever you eat has an effect on your body and it shows on your skin. Drink at least 8 ounces of water during the day and consume a diet full of fibre and protein.

Also, It is crucial that you eat ingredients that are inflammatory and contain antioxidants like green leafy vegetables and blueberries.

  • Include facial massage in your daily routine

Facial massage soothes nerve endings, increases blood flow, helps muscles to relax, contours, tones and relieves puffiness. Apply cleansing balm, oil, cleansing oil or cold cream onto dry skin with dry hands, massage it into the skin. Also, it loosens up all the gunk from the day, so, take deep breaths and give yourself a good facial massage every day. End the massage by cleansing off the balm/oil/cold cream with a hot washcloth. This is not abrasive and it will work as a gentle manual exfoliation without causing micro lacerations that many facial scrubs cause.

  • Use a Toner

Using a good quality treatment toner before going to bed is important as well. It not only removes the remnants of the cleansing product, but also the deposits from body salts, water, environmental pollution and makeup.

By toning your skin, you remove the gunk of the day and prepare your skin for nighttime natural repair processes. Skipping this crucial step is likely to give you a blotchy complexion due to the aforementioned matter still left on the surface of the skin, causing irritation, tightening or acne breakouts.

  • Moisturize the right way

Follow L.O.C theory; Liquid, Oil, Cream. Start with applying the liquid spray, then oil and cream at the end. It makes three layers of moisture offering much more moisture to the epidermis. Each step enforces the other and helps in more moisture retention. Skin becomes more youthful and plump if you hydrate it properly.

  • Avoid Heavy Moisturizers

You can use serums twice during the day under the moisturizer and in the evening, using just the serum in place of heavy moisturizing cream. The nighttime moisturizers don’t get absorbed in the skin; just remain on the surface and stain the pillow. Skin repairs itself naturally during sleep so let it do its job naturally.

Wanda Scribner

Wanda Scribner is a co-founder of Divas Hair Care. She is from Houston and has a passion for hairstyling. She knows quite some things about different types of hair and the ways to manage them and make the most suitable hairstyles with them. She has a 19 years old daughter on whom she has implemented the unique hairstyle ideas that come to her mind. She has grown tired with her mom trying new hairstyles on her, but Wanda has not.

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