Skincare SOS: 7 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Routine

Whether you embrace the change or dread the new experiences, one thing is for sure: skincare routine is not supposed to last forever. There comes a time with you require a little change in your daily skincare regimen to address the changing needs of your skin. However, it can be hard to stop using the products you grew so fond of over the years.

If you feel your skincare routine is not working the way it used to, then maybe your regimen is due for a fresh start.

Why does your Skincare regimen need a Reboot?

The thought of parting with your favourite moisturizer may give you nightmares. It is important to understand that your go-to product may no longer be fulfilling the needs of your skin. The nourishment your skin needs change as you age and as you change your habits and lifestyle

The products you use depend on the lifestyle and different stages in life.

People at different stages of life should use different products with different ingredients. The teen will use products that fight acne breakouts. Those in their 30s or above will use anti-ageing products. Moreover, major life events like menopause and pregnancy will use products that balance out hormonal changes to ward off hormonal breakouts, dryness, and hyperpigmentation.

Changes in your diet, the amount of humidity in the air and the stress hormone cortisol can also cause your skincare products to work differently.

How to know if your skincare routine needs change?

Your skin problems can be due to a number of reasons. Sometimes, switching out or adding a product is all it needs to keep your skin in the best form. We have listed down some of the most common signs that show your skin is in a dire need of different ingredients.

  • Your breakouts get worse after treatment

If your topical treatment has made your skin worse instead of treating it, note the active ingredient in your product. A topical product with vitamin-A usually causes irritation and redness which is a part of the process. It doesn’t mean a problem or an allergy. However, if your skin is really irritated, use the product only twice or thrice a week or switch to a gentler moisturizer and cleanser to reduce dryness.

It is recommended that you use natural ingredients like aloe vera to soothe irritation and heal burning skin, organic honey to fight infection and almond oil to hydrate and nourish the skin.

  • Your skin is drier than ever

There are several factors that can cause dry skin, which include: excessive cleansing, genetic, oil-stripping, dry weather and various others.

To reduce dryness of the skin, try replacing your acid and alcohol-based products with those containing moisturizing ingredients like ceramides and hyaluronic acid.

Another most common cause of dry skin is over-exfoliation. It disrupts the layer of lipids on the skin that causes dryness, sensitivity and dark spots. If your complexion is getting noticeably drier, then refrain from using sugar, salt, and other harsh scrubs that cause micro-scarring and strip the skin of its natural moisture. To prevent dryness due to exfoliation, switch to exfoliating agents with finer granules. Also, look for moisturizers and toners with water as a major ingredient.

  • Your Skin seems off-balance

Wrong products can interfere with natural sebum production by the skin making it overproduce oil than necessary. The keep the oil production in balance is not to over-treat the skin.

Clay and salicylic acid are two crucial ingredients that can help you deal with excess grease as they absorb oil without damaging your skin.

To prevent your skin from drying out, switch your alcohol-based toner with hydrating floral water and gentle cleansers containing pH-balancing ingredients like apple cider, honey and essential oils like argan oils, olive and jojoba.

  •  New freckles popping out

About 80% of skin ageing is due to the sun damage making ultraviolet rays a major culprit of uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation and texture along with wrinkles. To deal with it, look for a broad-spectrum formula that protects the skin from the harmful rays from the sun. Choose a sunscreen with SPF level of more than 35, apply it lavishly and on all exposed areas on your body to ensure complete protection from the sun.

The dark spots and freckles that sprout out of nowhere can be the symptoms of hormonal disruption, over-exfoliation and post-acne scarring. Arbutin, vitamin C and gentle exfoliators like azelaic, mandelic, and kojic acids are effective in lightening dark spots. Also, they are a great alternatives to chemicals like hydroquinone.

  • Redness

Redness, a crude opposite of the natural rosy flush, usually means it is protecting itself. Those who have sensitive skin naturally can, sometimes, experience redness from simply washing their face. Also, unnatural redness of the skin can be a sign of over-exfoliation which disrupts the skin’s “acid mantle” making it highly reactive. Hydrating and repairing your skin with ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, oats, hyaluronic acid, sea algae and lipid oils.

Moreover, if your skin turns an angry shade of red after using a skincare product, it means that something in the ingredients does not quite agree with your skin. Benzoyl peroxide and sulfates are common culprits that cause redness. So, ensure that your new skincare product is free from both of them.

  • It stings and itches

Sensitivities from certain skincare ingredients or food, hives caused by stress, sunburn, frostbite or windburn call cause stinginess and itchiness in the skin. One of the best ways to deal with it is to keep track of new foods you included in your diet and do patch tests to every new skincare product you buy. Also, check your skincare products if they include potential allergens or ingredients that could react to the medication you are taking.

Over-exfoliation, heavy acids or retinoids are other reasons your skin gets stingy, itchy and blotchy. Skipping them for a couple of days and using a gentle moisturizer instead can help your skin restore itself.

  • Tiny bumps appearing on your skin

Tiny bumps appearing on the surface of your skin can be due to a histamine reaction, especially if they are red and itchy. Calming ingredients like aloe vera and honey can contribute to soothing your skin. Also, switch to gentler products that are free from irritants such as parabens, synthetic fragrances, sulfates, and phthalates.

A skin condition with hard, white bumps, mostly concentrated around the eyes and forehead, develops when oil gets trapped in little pockets or due to skin flakes. The condition is known as milia. Mostly, the bumps are around the eyes because the skin is thin and delicate in that area, and eye cream can get clogged if it’s not applied lightly. Applying more lightweight products can prevent the condition from getting worse. Milia can be removed but it is better than it is done by a professional and in a clean environment to prevent infection.

Wanda Scribner

Wanda Scribner is a co-founder of Divas Hair Care. She is from Houston and has a passion for hairstyling. She knows quite some things about different types of hair and the ways to manage them and make the most suitable hairstyles with them. She has a 19 years old daughter on whom she has implemented the unique hairstyle ideas that come to her mind. She has grown tired with her mom trying new hairstyles on her, but Wanda has not.

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