Acne Diagnosis and Treatment: Tailoring Solutions to Your Skin

Are you having acne breakouts that don’t seem likely to go away? Take heart acne sufferers, you aren’t alone. While acne in teenage is common, it is more shocking to hear that 54% of the women over the age of 25 experience facial acne. Clinical studies have found that about 40-50% of the adults are dealing with low-grade, constant acne and oily skin simultaneously.

Fortunately, a number of treatments for this skin condition are readily available. The most challenging part is to identify the right skin care product and medication for your particular skin type. We have put together a guide to different types of acne with their treatments. Smooth and healthy skin, here we come.

Common causes of acne?

It is known that more adults are being diagnosed with acne breakouts, but it is not always easy to pinpoint the cause of the surge in adult acne. There is a wide range of things that cause acne from hormonal imbalance to stress and bad hygiene. Acne due to hormonal imbalance is more common in teenagers.

Scientifically speaking, a lot goes underneath the skin that triggers breakouts. The pores in our skin are lined by skin cells known as keratinocytes. In healthy skin, these skin cells slough out of the pores naturally. But, during acne, the skin cells build up in the pores and form a pimple. Many things can cause this build-up of skin cells leading to acne.

Hormones are the most common culprit that is the reason you have breakouts around your monthly cycle. The lining of the pores become more sticky causing oil and bacteria to build up in them. That is when you see cysts and papules under the skin.

Common types of acne and ways to identify them:

Identifying the type of acne is the first step to treat it.

Acne can be categorized as either inflammatory or non-inflammatory. The difference between the two is that non-inflammatory acne does not come with redness(inflammation) of the skin. It only has whiteheads and blackheads. Whereas inflammatory acne has cysts, pustules, papules, nodules. Cysts and nodules are present in more severe cases.

The easiest way to identify inflammatory acne in to look for the following things:

Cysts are red bumps with pus. They can be quite irritating and appear in the most severe acne.

Papules are pink or red bumps of different sizes. They don’t have any kind of fluid in them and they do not usually itch or hurt unless you irritate them.

Pustules are deeper in the skin than papules. They are white or yellow bumps with pus.

Nodules are large painful bumps containing blood or pus.

Best way to treat different types of acne:

  • Treatment of Non-inflammatory acne

Non-inflammatory acne, if not severe, can be cared for at home with skincare products containing salicylic acid.

Also, the products containing alpha-hydroxy acids, benzoyl peroxide and adapalene can also be helpful in treating non-inflammatory acne.

  • For Hormonal Acne

If you are experiencing hormonal acne, you can consult your dermatologist and see if they put suggest using birth control pills.

In case of severe acne, consult a skin care professional about Accutane or other medications for acne. These medications do not have side effects and they are completely safe to use.

  • For inflammatory acne

For severe acne with cysts and nodules, medications like topical retinoids, antibiotics and isotretinoin can make a difference.

  • Other Options

Consulting your dermatologist for the treatment of your acne is your best bet. There are hundreds of prescription oral and topicals medications. A dermatologist will be able to tell you which product is suitable for you after examining your skin. A skin care professional can perform the best treatment for you such as facials, chemical peels, dermal filler and laser treatments.

You can treat scars and dark marks of acne at home. The products containing retinol and botanical brightening ingredients. Using products with sun protective factor can also be helpful as the acne marks get darker due to exposure to sunlight.

Regular cleansing is important throughout any course of treatment.

Wanda Scribner

Wanda Scribner is a co-founder of Divas Hair Care. She is from Houston and has a passion for hairstyling. She knows quite some things about different types of hair and the ways to manage them and make the most suitable hairstyles with them. She has a 19 years old daughter on whom she has implemented the unique hairstyle ideas that come to her mind. She has grown tired with her mom trying new hairstyles on her, but Wanda has not.

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