Scarring Prevention 101: Tips for Keeping Your Face Blemish-Free

Prevention is the best way to treat facial scarring. Scars can appear on the face of many different shapes and sizes. There are discoloured scars, depressed or indented scars, and raised or thick scars. The indented or depressed and raised or thick scars are more difficult to fade than the discoloured scars. A scar’s visibility depends on how well the wound was healed.  To make sure that the scar and marks vanish completely, it is crucial that you encourage a healthy healing process.

Basic Prevention

Most of the facial scars a result of acne breakouts. If you pick, pop, squeeze or irritate pimples in any way, it can cause permanent scarring. Also, scabs should also not be irritated. They surely do not look nice and nobody wants them on their face, but they are wound’s natural dressing. Picking them can hinder the natural healing process and it may take longer for it to heal properly. Also, it will increase the chances of scarring.

If you have a skin-deep wound or a pimple starts to appear, disinfect it with witch hazel. Use a cotton swab to dab it on the spot. Witch Hazel is an antibacterial agent that doesn’t dry out the skin. After disinfecting, wash them immediately with a non-drying facial cleanser.

Essential Moisturizing

Keeping your skin moisturized is important for healthy healing. Scabs are formed when wounds dry out and then they are more likely to leave hard-to-remove scars behind. Therefore, use an oil-based moisturizer or ointment. The moisturizing products containing plain-old petroleum jelly can also do the trick. Keep applying the moisturizer every day until the wound is completely healed.

Keep it Covered

Keep the spots covered after cleaning and moisturizing it to protect them from environmental pollutants. It also speeds up the healing process and decreases the risk of scarring.

Using a circular bandage or cutting a bandage according to the size of the spot helps in healing the wound while remaining fairly inconspicuous.

Products like hydrogel and silicone gel sheets also help prevent the scarring. Change the bandage every day after cleansing and moisturizing.

If your skin is reactive to adhesives, keep the wounds covered with a dap of petroleum jelly and a nonsticky bandage.

Protect and Massage

Continue to follow the moisturizing routine even when your wound has healed. Keep it covered with sunscreen with SPF more than 30 to prevent discolouration and redness. Also, apply a bit of vitamin E oil on the marks and massage it for a couple of minutes. The vitamin E oil moisturize the scars and massaging it helps break down dense collagen bonds that reduce the scar’s visibility over time.

Wanda Scribner

Wanda Scribner is a co-founder of Divas Hair Care. She is from Houston and has a passion for hairstyling. She knows quite some things about different types of hair and the ways to manage them and make the most suitable hairstyles with them. She has a 19 years old daughter on whom she has implemented the unique hairstyle ideas that come to her mind. She has grown tired with her mom trying new hairstyles on her, but Wanda has not.

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