How to Revive the glow you lose in the summer

As the summer flies by with long siestas in a comfortable room with dim light or with vacation-hopping to the cool areas of the country with your loved ones. As much uncomfortable the sweat, salt, sand and the vibe of summer are, they may also leave an effect on your skin. While sweat may clog your pores, the humidity and hot temperatures dry out your pores. Moreover, overexposure to the sun can damage your skin and cause early signs of ageing. Fortunately, a visit to your dermatologist and some professional or at-home treatments can revive your skin back to its natural smoothness and radiance.

Here are some tips and ideas to follow to rejuvenate your skin before leaves start to fall and the air begins to get cooler.

  • Treat Sun-damage with Microdermabrasion and Chemical Peel

Summertime may not be a good time for chemical peeling because it exfoliates the skin, bringing out a fresh layer of skin that can be sensitive to sun exposure. However, the fall season can be a perfect time for microdermabrasion and chemical peels to remove the sun-damaged and sweat-beaten skin and get ready for the fall activities.

It takes a few days or a week to recover completely from this procedure, therefore, you might want to block out healing time. Select a mild peel, if you decide to perform this treatment at home. Also, make sure you have that device with a diamond tip with which you remove the sun-damaged skin.

  • Treat Hyperpigmentation with Fraxel Laser Treatments

Fraxel laser treatment is a more intensive post-summer treatment that truly cleanses, exfoliate and improve your skin. It is a perfect post-summer skin rehab routine that is great for treating hyperpigmentation and damaged skin cells due to overexposure to the sun.

Fraxel laser treatment works with punching tiny holes in the skin creating a controlled wound and then allowing your skin to heal itself. The Laser improves skin texture and tone. Also, it helps in even out precancerous changes to skin cells.

  • Treat Wrinkles and Fine Lines with Retinol Creams

Retinol is the best product if you are considering taking some anti-ageing measures. Retinol has been used for decades to reduce wrinkles and fine line and there still is no other ingredient that is more effective than that.

Retinols are a little photoreactive in nature which can make your skin more likely to get sun-damaged, therefore, it is not recommended to be used in the summertime. However, they can be used frequently in the fall if you don’t experience pain or redness.

Retinol creams remove the top layer of the skin which cleans it from summer-damage and makes it look younger. Also, skin-brightening serums, with or without vitamin C, are less intense as retinol and they can clean the pores to improve the condition of your skin.

  • Treat Sun Spots on Arms, Chest and Face with Photofacial Laser Treatment

Though might have been applying sunscreen on your face throughout the summer but your hand, arms, neck, and chest

Wanda Scribner

Wanda Scribner is a co-founder of Divas Hair Care. She is from Houston and has a passion for hairstyling. She knows quite some things about different types of hair and the ways to manage them and make the most suitable hairstyles with them. She has a 19 years old daughter on whom she has implemented the unique hairstyle ideas that come to her mind. She has grown tired with her mom trying new hairstyles on her, but Wanda has not.

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