Essential Oils Guide: Choosing the Best for Your Skin Type

Essential oils are plant extracts made from seeds, leaves, and flowers. Some of these oils have properties that are great for treating certain skin conditions. If you want to try out essential oils for your specific skin issues, talk to your dermatologist and discuss the possible effects of the following options on your skin type.

Essential Oils for Oily skin

When sebaceous (oil) glands overproduce, it causes an oily skin surface. Factors like heat, humidity, and hormones can make the condition even worse. You can use the following essential oils to alleviate oily skin problems

  • Clary Sage

Clary sage contains active compounds like geranyl and linalyl acetate. It is the best essential oil for dealing with excess sebum. It can also help in treating acne and reduce wrinkles in mature skin.

  • Rosemary

It is known for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and stimulating properties. Its key ingredients keep excess sebum at bay. It is proven to help with both dandruff and greasy hair and sometimes stimulates hair growth.

  • Frankincense

There is no considerable research on frankincense about its skincare properties. But people have noticed its effects; alleviating oily and acne-prone skin by repairing lipids in the skin.

  • Geranium

It has alkaline properties which are helpful in balancing out skin oils. It is because of these properties, geranium is a major ingredient in the beauty soaps. It also helps by balancing out hydration levels.

  • Neroli

Neroli contains citral which even out sebum without drying the skin.

Essential Oils for Dry Skin

You can experience dry skin at certain times of the year and dry climate areas. Some people have dry skin naturally due to reduced activity in the oil glands in the pores. Dry skin is usually treated with moisturizers and creams, but some essential oils can be game-changers.

  • Lavender

Lavender is often used to sleep and relaxation, but it has other purposes as well. It helps balance out the moisture levels in the skin too. It works as an anti-inflammatory and helps in reducing redness. Also, it is a natural hydrator that helps in repairing dry skin without making it too greasy.

  • Chamomile

Chamomile oil is rich in azulene which is great for reducing inflammation and increasing moisture. However, you should not use it if you have ragweed allergies because chamomile is one of the triggers.

  • Sandalwood

Sandalwood has compounds that reduce inflammation and promote moisture in the skin.

Best Essential Oils for sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is either too dry or too oily and it is prone to all kinds of eczema, allergies, and other skin problems related to that.

People who have sensitive skin should avoid oils that have a high amount of acids like lemongrass or lemon in them. There are a few oils that are considered safe for all skin types including sensitive ones. These are:

  • Sandalwood
  • Frankincense
  • Lavender

Best Essential Oils for Acne-prone skin

If you have acne, it is important that you keep your skin clear of bacteria and excess oils without drying it. Enhanced oil production can cause inflammation which is a contributing factor of acne breakouts.

Frankincense and rosemary treat acne by reducing inflammation and microbial. Also, clary sage is also helpful for acne and oily skin. You can use the following oils as well for acne-prone skin as well.

  • Lemongrass

It contains natural astringent properties and it acts as an antimicrobial which fights pimples by removing excess of dead skin cells.

  • Lemon

Lemon oil is extracted from the peel of the citrus fruit. It can help fight free radicals and inflammation that results in acne and photoaging.

  • Cinnamon

Cinnamon is proven to be a strong anti-inflammatory due to its antioxidant properties like cinnamic acid. It is perfect for dealing with inflammatory acne symptoms like nodules, cysts, and pustules.

  • Tea Tree

Tea tree essential oil is extracted from the melaleuca tree. It is one of the most famous antiseptics and it’s also used in medicines. It is good for fighting bacteria and inflammation.

Best Essential oils for skin rash

Some essential oils help with balancing out moisture and reducing itchiness of skin rashes like eczema and psoriasis.

A study showed that combining lavender and thyme help treat eczema. Other essential oils that can help with skin rashes are:

  • Cinnamon
  • Lavender
  • Geranium

If the skin rashes are causing pain, then you can use the following essential oils as they have pain-relieving characteristics as well.

  • Eucalyptus

It not only relieves pain but also provides moisture to itchy skin rashes.

  • Peppermint

Benefits of peppermint tea for headaches are known, but the peppermint oil also has several useful properties for skin health. The natural menthol content in peppermint have an analgesic effect on the skin by cooling down hot rashes.

  • Patchouli

Patchouli oil is great for reducing both inflammation and pain which is best for treating eczema rashes.

  • Wintergreen

Wintergreen contains methyl salicylate so it works the same as peppermint. It will soothe the painful skin rashes.

Best Essential oils for Pigmentation

Whether you have acne blemishes or age spots due to excess of sun exposure, some essential oils can help you out if used as a serum.

  • Carrot seed

Carrot seed oil is useful to clear scarring. It also helps by clearing off the wrinkles in mature skin.

  • Pomegranate

Its oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help in promoting healthier skin.

  • Tangerine

Tangerine oil also has antioxidant properties which are great for achieving smoother and toned skin.

  • Ylang Ylang

It is known for its ability to create physical and mental balance, and it keeps skin pigmentation in control.

Other oils for treating pigmentation are:

  • Lemon to fight free radicals
  • Geranium to even out tone
  • Lavender for reduced redness
  • Frankincense for age spots

Best Essential Oils for Anti-ageing

As we age, our skin naturally loses collagen and elasticity which, in turn, results in sagging, wrinkles and fine lines. The following are some of the essential oils that are known for their anti-ageing properties.

  • Myrrh

Historically, Egyptian women used myrrh for its anti-ageing properties. Myrrh is also rich with anti-oxidants and it enhances blood circulation to help you get brighter, more refined skin.

  • Rose

Rose oil has antioxidants like vitamins A and C which help in promoting skin cell turnover which slows down due to age. Using rose oil can help you get younger, fresher looking skin and clear away fine lines.

  • Jojoba

Jojoba oil helps with preparing the top layer of your skin as it contains natural fatty acids. Other oils that can be used for the similar purposes are argan, sunflower seed and coconut oils. Jojoba is lightweight which makes it perfect for oily skin.

You can also use the following anti-ageing oils for similar effects:

  • Carrot seed
  • Clary sage
  • Lavender
  • Patchouli
  • Frankincense
  • Tangerine
  • Neroli

Wanda Scribner

Wanda Scribner is a co-founder of Divas Hair Care. She is from Houston and has a passion for hairstyling. She knows quite some things about different types of hair and the ways to manage them and make the most suitable hairstyles with them. She has a 19 years old daughter on whom she has implemented the unique hairstyle ideas that come to her mind. She has grown tired with her mom trying new hairstyles on her, but Wanda has not.

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