Nighttime Bliss: Crafting Your Best Skin Care Regimen for Bedtime

Our skin repairs itself naturally at night, the best nighttime routine is that which provides skin just what it needs. If your skin is irritated provide it with hydrants. If it appears dull, exfoliate.

If you wonder what products you should use for your nighttime regimen and what should be the order of using those products, you have come to the right place. Following are the steps for the best nighttime skincare regimens.


The cleanser will help you clear away the day’s dirt, grime, makeup and oil. You should start with removing your makeup using a dedicated makeup remover before you wash your face with a cleanser.

You can try double cleansing for the best results. Double cleansing involves dissolving the makeup first with cleansing oil and then washing your face with a gentle cleanser. This makes your skin fresh and prepares it to absorb the skincare products.

If you want to exfoliate, use a physical exfoliant such as a facial scrub. Use it instead of your cleanser after removing your makeup.


Toners are thought to be harsh and irritate the skin due to which most people skip it. However, this assumption is not true. Toners are rich in antioxidants and derivatives of vitamin B. Different toners are used for solving different skin issues so it’s crucial that you know the needs of your skin and use the right toner.

Toners are designed to maintain the pH of the skin which is usually disrupted by harsh soaps. If you have never used toner and your skin is healthy, there’s no need to start using one now.

Some people like to use various types of skin boosters which come in different forms like essences, mists, hydrating serums and beauty waters. They contain different active ingredients which hydrate and nourish the skin. They are lightweight and contain water content so apply them right after washing your face as you would a toner.

If you are using both, apply toner first and then essence. Toner cleans the skin while essence treats the skin.


Eye creams are great for addressing dark circles and crow’s feet. It also protects the sensitive under-eye skin from other stronger skincare products.

Apply the eye cream before applying treatments to protect the skin around the eyes from ingredients that can cause irritation.


Our body and skin repair, restore and regenerate themselves as we sleep. Most of the targeted skincare treatments like retinol creams, exfoliating treatments and anti-ageing serums are better used at night. However, choose your evening treatment based on your skin’s need instead of bulking up all the treatment creams and serums.

Using too many products can cause irritation and can make things worse. Do your research, talk your dermatologist and pick the right products according to the needs of your skin.

You should also skip your nighttime skincare routine sometimes and just wash and moisturize before going to bed. It will allow your skin to do healing naturally.

Here are some other considerations:

  • Choose either exfoliative treatments or prescription meds because if you choose both at the same time, you are more likely to irritate your skin.
  • Don’t use retinol creams and exfoliative treatments on the same night.
  • Exfoliate only once or twice a week.


Night creams or night moisturizers are generally heavier and thicker than those designed for the day time routine. The skin absorbs them over the course of several hours. They create a protective layer that prevents excess water evaporation while you sleep. The key to healing and maintaining healthy skin is to maintain high water content in the skin.

Apply the night cream or moisturiser last as it is thick enough to prevent anything to penetrate through it. Also, if you have dry skin, apply a face oil before the night cream.

Wanda Scribner

Wanda Scribner is a co-founder of Divas Hair Care. She is from Houston and has a passion for hairstyling. She knows quite some things about different types of hair and the ways to manage them and make the most suitable hairstyles with them. She has a 19 years old daughter on whom she has implemented the unique hairstyle ideas that come to her mind. She has grown tired with her mom trying new hairstyles on her, but Wanda has not.

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