The best way to layer Serums and Oils

Serums have long been used by Japanese women in their skincare routine. Today, they have become a part of every skin-conscious lady’s skincare regimen and the obsession with these is spreading everywhere because of their benefits.

Serums are efficient and lightweight, they contain a perfect blend of targeted active ingredients to address a specific purpose. They absorb in the skin quickly and solve the skin problem. They are non-greasy and have a higher concentration of beneficial ingredients.

There are hundreds of different sorts of serums available in the market today. There is a different serum for every skin problem. It is nearly impossible to choose just one. However, you need to understand what is the best way to layer serums and oils to get the most out of them. Here are some important tips to remember when applying serums and oils.

  • Apply Serums First

Serums should go first after you clean and exfoliate to get the best results. Avoid using them after moisturizer as they make a protective layer over your skin and prevent serums to penetrate into the skin.

  • Try Mixing and Matching

Serums and oils work together and complement each other, therefore, it is perfectly alright to mix them up together, especially you need to address some skincare problems. For example, you can team up a squalene serum for hydration and a vitamin C serum for dark spots.

  • Use up to Three Serums

There is no limit to how many serums you can use as piling up more products can make it hard for the ingredients to get properly absorbed. It has been suggested you use up to three serums. If you need serums for multiple skin problems, look for a multitasking serum that works great for addressing general problems such as oiliness or dryness and add a couple of more serums for more serious concerns like wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Consistency is Key

To reap the benefits of the serums, always start light and remain consistent. Lighter serums absorb quickly and easily. Whereas, the heavier serums trap the ingredients and soften your skin.

Know the needs of your skin and go with the ingredients that your skin needs. For example , if you are addressing signs of ageing and dark spots, choose the serum containing vitamin C and retinol first.

  • Choose the ingredients carefully

Cocktailing may be the solution if you think layering multiple serums is time-consuming. You can mix up your favourite serums to make your skincare routine more convenient.

It doesn’t mean that you skip the rest of the regimen and just concoct a potion by mixing everything. Avoid mixing retinol, peels or acne-treatment products. Use these products separately or in layers, applying them first.

  • Massage Gently while applying Serums

Massaging your face gently while applying your serums increases the blood circulation to your face. Also, it brings a fresh dose of oxygen to the skin and gives you a more lively appearance.

  • Allow your Serums to absorb properly

Some estheticians believe that your skin absorbs the products whether you wait for it or not. However, it is a good idea that you wait a couple of minutes to apply the next product to ensure that it has been absorbed completely. Also, waiting for a while will prevent pilling of the product when you apply your sunscreen or moisturizer.

  • Layering serums are beneficial for all skin types

Every skin type can benefit from serums as you are using the right product. Serums are used for targeting specific skin concerns and then you seal it with a barrier that hydrates and heals your skin.

Those with mature skin are recommended to use multiple serums as it needs more potent ingredients to heal and smoothen the skin once collagen begins to break down.

  • Layer Serums at night

Serums often contain ingredients like hydroquinone and retinol which may make your skin more sensitive if exposed to the sun. so serums are best used at night. Also, it allows the skincare product to aid the skin in its natural process of healing while you sleep. If you use serums in the morning, make sure that you use your sunscreen as well.

  • Experiment

Taking care of your skin is exciting when you start to see the results and that’s when you try something new. Don’t be afraid of experimenting as long as you stick with the right ingredients. Testing new products allow you to discover what is best for your skin.

Wanda Scribner

Wanda Scribner is a co-founder of Divas Hair Care. She is from Houston and has a passion for hairstyling. She knows quite some things about different types of hair and the ways to manage them and make the most suitable hairstyles with them. She has a 19 years old daughter on whom she has implemented the unique hairstyle ideas that come to her mind. She has grown tired with her mom trying new hairstyles on her, but Wanda has not.

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