The Evolution of Hair Wax in Men’s Fashion Trends

Hair wax for men has undergone a dramatic evolution, echoing the shifting trends in men’s fashion. Once a simple tool for basic styling, hair wax has now emerged as a pivotal component in crafting sophisticated, modern looks. This transformation underscores the versatility and enduring popularity of hair wax in men’s grooming routines.

The Evolution of Hair Wax in Men’s Fashion Trends

Men’s hairstyling, often overshadowed in the realms of fashion, deserves a deeper dive. Too frequently, it’s distilled down to simplistic terms: buzz cuts, mop-tops reminiscent of the Beatles, comb-overs, and bowl cuts. However, a glance through history reveals that men’s hairstyles have been far from an afterthought, in fact, they have been a trendsetting force for thousands of years.

Tracing back the patterns, it becomes evident that men have not merely been recipients of stylizing trends, but creators and influencers. The scope of men’s hairstyling stretches far beyond brief descriptions, revealing a rich tapestry of creativity and change. Hair wax for men, is but one part of this ever-evolving narrative.

Earliest Recorded Evidence of Hairstyling

The earliest recorded evidence of hairstyling dates back to the Palaeolithic era, primarily associated with women. The Woman of Willendorf, an iconic figurine, is portrayed with braided hair, reflecting an early interest in personal grooming.

Hairstyles as Class Indicators

As society evolved, hairstyles emerged as markers of social status, particularly during the Vedic age. High-caste women could decorate their hair with jewels, while men were expected to shave their heads, leaving just a thick strand of hair in the back or side.

Ancient Egypt’s Shaved and Covered

This trend of head shaving persisted into Ancient Egypt. However, the Egyptians introduced a new twist – once the head was shaved, it was covered with a wig and a false beard, crafted from real hair or wool.

Greek Naturalism vs Roman Artifice

The classical world carried divergent viewpoints on hairstyling. Ancient Greeks valued a natural aesthetic, men wore their hair in long, flowing locks, often accentuated with a beard. In contrast, the Romans prized fashion and artifice. Roman men often mimicked the hair trends set by the Emperors, leading to a variety of hairstyles, from curls and sideburns to short beards and wigs.

Simplicity in the Medieval Era

The medieval era, influenced heavily by religious edicts, embraced simplicity in men’s hairstyles. Pope Gregory VII banned beards and moustaches, resulting in the predominance of the simple ‘pageboy’ style.

Renaissance: A Return to Ornate Styles

With the weakening influence of the Church during the Renaissance, men’s hairstyles became longer and more elaborate, with beards and moustaches making a comeback, and hair typically worn at shoulder length.

Wigs & Wax

In the flamboyant years of Elizabeth I’s reign, men’s hairstyles reached new heights of creativity. Wigs and beards were in vogue, sculpted with oils into a myriad of unique and striking arrangements. Starch was used as a precursor to today’s sprays and gels, holding these elaborate hair sculptures in place.

Qing Dynasty: Tightly Braided and Shaved Foreheads

Contrastingly, during China’s Qing Dynasty, men’s hair followed a vastly different trend. Hair was pulled back and braided tightly, with the forehead being shaved completely. This style demonstrated a marked divergence from the European trends of the time.

Georgian Period: The Time of Powdered Wigs

The Georgian period saw an unabated affection for wigs. These weren’t just regular wigs; they were meticulously designed, powdered, and styled into elaborate coiffures, mirroring the grandeur of the era.

Victorian Era: Neat and Polished

With the arrival of the stern and disciplined Victorian period, men’s hairstyles reflected the societal norms of the time. Grooming became extremely important, with hair, beards, and moustaches carefully shaped and finished with waxes and oils.

World War I: The Age of Pragmatism

Practicality became paramount during the First World War, a time of strife and uniformity. Men were clean-shaven, and hair was kept short and slicked back, signaling a shift towards utilitarian and functional styles.

Razor Blades

The conclusion of World War I marked the birth of a new era in men’s grooming—the safety razor revolution. The introduction of the safety razor transformed the daily grooming ritual into a less daunting task. No longer requiring a trip to the barbershop, men were able to maintain a clean-shaven look conveniently at home.

The Clean Shave Continues

The ease and convenience of safety razors saw men, especially the younger generation, continuing to largely shun facial hair. This trend was not just a statement of style, but also of practicality, with the clean-shaven look becoming the norm.

The Shadow of War & Military Regulations

As the specter of another war began to loom, military regulations imposed a return to short hair. The armed forces demanded neat, bristle-cut hairstyles, reflecting a return to utilitarian and functional styles. This dictated trend was not just a reflection of the times, but also an echo of the pragmatic hairstyles adopted during World War I.

Longer Hair

Freed from military regulations and the austerity of post-war life, the 1960s marked a significant shift in men’s hairstyles. Cultural phenomena like the Beatles triggered a resurgence in the popularity of longer hairstyles. Other prominent figures, like Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley, fueled this trend with their rebellious spirit and lifestyle, embodying the zeitgeist of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.

Punk Era: The Rise of Flamboyance

As the decade turned, self-expression continued to be the driving force behind men’s fashion trends. The 1970s saw the birth of the punk era, leading to more audacious styles, such as brightly colored Mohawks. This outlandish hairstyle quickly became a symbol of rebellion and non-conformity, securing its place in the annals of hair fashion.

The 1980s: Bigger is Better

As the adage goes, “the bigger, the better,” and the 1980s were a testament to that. Hair reached new voluminous heights with the popularization of perms for men. Simultaneously, the decade saw the re-emergence of a style as old as the Aztecs and the Vikings—the mullet. This hairstyle, characterized by its business-in-the-front, party-in-the-back description, became an icon of the 80s, standing as the antithesis of the traditional short back and sides look.


As a reaction to the extravagance of the 80s, the 1990s heralded a return to more natural looks. Grunge culture took center stage, promoting a seemingly carefree and disheveled aesthetic. The ‘bed head’ look, characterized by its tousled and unkempt appearance, became trendy during this period.

Hair Wax for Men: The Rise of Styling Products

Ironically, the seemingly effortless ‘bed head’ style required considerable effort and a range of styling products to maintain. Men’s hair wax, in particular, became increasingly popular as a versatile solution for creating and holding this casual look. This trend marked a significant resurgence in the use of men’s styling products.

The 2000s: Embracing Hair Dye and Styling Products

As the new millennium unfolded, the trend of using styling products continued to grow. The 2000s were characterized by distinctive styles like spiked hair with bleached tips. During this era, men openly embraced hair dye and other styling products, further cementing their place in male grooming routines.

Recent Times: A Nod to Simplicity

In recent times, men’s hairstyles have reflected a shift towards simplicity. This can be considered a reverberation of bygone eras marked by austerity. This contemporary trend highlights a cyclical pattern in men’s hairstyling, indicating that even as styles evolve, they often draw upon historical influences.


To conclude, the evolution of ‘Hair Wax for Men’ through the centuries is an intriguing journey. It underscores the ever-changing nature of men’s fashion trends, yet the constant need for a versatile product, like hair wax, to achieve the desired look. From the starches of yesteryears to the resurgence of hair wax in recent times, history has significantly shaped the grooming rituals of men around the globe.

Wanda Scribner

Wanda Scribner is a co-founder of Divas Hair Care. She is from Houston and has a passion for hairstyling. She knows quite some things about different types of hair and the ways to manage them and make the most suitable hairstyles with them. She has a 19 years old daughter on whom she has implemented the unique hairstyle ideas that come to her mind. She has grown tired with her mom trying new hairstyles on her, but Wanda has not.

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