What is Skin Fatigue and how to identify it?

Skin fatigue is usually caused by a combination of stress-related factors of a poor, unhealthy lifestyle like lack of sleep, smoking, not working out enough and not consuming a healthful diet, and environmental pollutants and sun exposure. If you remain under constant stress, your adrenal glands produce cortisol also known as the stress hormone. Cortisol damages the collagen and affects blood flow throughout the body. It speeds up the ageing process and decreases your skin’s ability to heal and repair itself, and this is called skin fatigue.

The major symptoms of skin fatigue are large pores, dullness and consistently dry skin. Fatigues skin looks generally tired and it doesn’t reflect light well. If you feel your skin remains too dry, looks sallow and doesn’t respond to skincare products like it used to, then there are high chances that your skin is fatigued.

It is important to deal with the root cause of the fatigued skin i.e stress to treat it effectively. Also, knowing from where and how to start fighting back skin fatigue can be helpful for achieving good results. Here are some of the things you should know about skin fatigue.

  •  Skin Fatigue is an alarm

Fatigued skin is the skin’s way to tell you that something is wrong. Skin is our largest organ and the first line of defence against environmental pollutants. Whatever goes inside your body has its effect on your skin.

It is important to keep the skin healthy enough so that it can fight off the pollutants. Healthy skin retains nutrients and moisture better, but when it is damaged in any way the deep problems start to surface.

When symptoms of skin’s fatigue get more visible, it’s your skin signalling to address potential concerns that you might have been ignoring.

  • Unhealthy lifestyle is a major cause of skin fatigue

People who smoke, who are exposed to smoke and pollution, who live in a big city, and travel a lot are more susceptible to get skin fatigue. Smoking increases the number of oxidants in the body and depletes the natural antioxidants in the body. And, smog and pollution in the cities damage the skin’s barrier over time.

Signs of fatigued skin become more obvious in the late twenties.

  • Adopting good, healthy habits help

You may feel tempted to spend all night on Netflix, but if you want to improve your skin’s health, consider having a good night’s sleep. Develop a routine of working out every day to boost essential blood circulation and strengthening immunity.

Reducing inflammation is another great way of fighting off the premature ageing, acne breakout and skin fatigue. You can easily reduce inflammation by including essential fatty acids into your daily diet. Food items like avocado, wild salmon, fish oil and blackcurrant oil etc are a rich source of fatty acids. To replenish your skin with antioxidant use pterostilbene, resveratrol and vitamin C.

  • Topical Products containing the right ingredients can be helpful for fatigued skin

Retinol and antioxidants are the best ingredients for your skin. They protect your skin from oxidative stress due to free radicals, They have amazing anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Retinol is perfect for treating wrinkles, pigmentation and acne. It promotes cell renewal and shrinks large pores so that the skin looks more radiant and less dull and tired. Latest encapsulated retinol has all the benefits for a good skin without causing any kind of dryness or irritation.

Try to include these ingredients in your daily skin routine as well: resveratrol, I-ascorbic acid, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and essential oils like acai, argan and rosehip oils.

  • Adaptogens are great against environmental stressors and boost its natural defence

Adaptogens are natural herbs that reduce and reverse the harmful effects of stress on your body. Adaptogens are called so because they get easily adapted to the body’s needs and deal with the constantly changing stressors that you face daily. They keep the body in a healthy equilibrium and boost the body’s natural defences.

Wanda Scribner

Wanda Scribner is a co-founder of Divas Hair Care. She is from Houston and has a passion for hairstyling. She knows quite some things about different types of hair and the ways to manage them and make the most suitable hairstyles with them. She has a 19 years old daughter on whom she has implemented the unique hairstyle ideas that come to her mind. She has grown tired with her mom trying new hairstyles on her, but Wanda has not.

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